Hidradenitis Suppurativa Stages
Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is autoimmune condition that causes chronic inflammation and infection of the skin.
First stage – It develops as a small to medium to large painful lump that forms under the skin, also known as a boil or abscess.
Second stage – More than one medium to large painful abscess with tunnels under the skin resulting in scarring.
Third stage – Multiple medium and up to large orange size painful abscess with tunnels under the skin resulting in chronic recurring symptoms.
Each individual experiences symptoms case by case, however, symptoms usually start off mild. Excess weight, stress, food allergies, and smoking can cause the symptoms to change from mild to severe. HS is not contagious, and it is not an STD. HS is not caused by an infection or being unclean. However, HS can become worse without the proper care, but with the appropriate resources will be able to become dormant.
Discuss your symptoms with your medical provider and/or dermatologist.